Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The cut hay left visible rows of shorn vegetation that took me by surprise one day in late summer .  The color of the rows against the already fallen hay needed no adjustment in PhotoShop.
The bottom image was another fluke.  I had been studying this area of Cumberland County for months.  Looking for late summer color I found a yard that I had photographed earlier in the season completely surrounded by plowed earth revealing a new perspective and feeling altogether different.

A Pond in Perry County
Catching the beautiful late afternoon sun over a tranquil pond reveals some startling reflections.  
Equipment: Canon EOS 7D

Seeing God in All His Creation

This is a series of digital photographs taken in 2011 from early spring to late summer.  I used the Canon EOS 7D for all of the landscape scenes.
Please visit my website :
Photography by Carol Eugenia Graham

Saturday, January 14, 2012

One of Two Oaks
Cumberland County Pennsylvania